Friday, August 5, 2011

Allegedly, since major Christian denominations now officiate same-sex marriages in their sanctuaries, the Bible must therefore have objected to homosexual prostitution, but not the homosexual type of copulation between two men married to each other in an official monogamous, long-lasting relationship. Allegedly, some "homosexual prostitutes" were even part of one early Christian church visited by the Apostle Paul.

1 comment:

  1. According to the book of Acts (authored by Luke, the physician disciple of Jesus) and other books of the New Testament, Paul's missionary journeys took the message of the gospel outside of the Roman province of Israel. Homosexual behavior was taboo in Israel, but not so outside Israel. It is easy to find history books or acted documentaries in movie form of the Roman Caesars sensational sexual lifestyle, including not only homosexual acts, but even one who married his sister, made her pregnant, and then proceeded to cut her open and ate the fetus, supposedly to become a "God".

    As for the provinces, the Roman Empire preferred to allow a puppet King to regulate each province, as long as it continued to pay taxes. Therefore the Jews could maintain their taboo laws under Roman domination, but they were not allowed to unilaterally impose the death penalty on Jesus, or on the Apostle Paul.

    The Apostle Paul claimed to have been born a free Roman citizen, though of pure Jewish descent, and to have been born in the city of Tarsus. There is no evidence to the contrary. He also claimed to have persecuted and killed early Christians, as a zealous Jew, including one of the first Christian church deacons (Stephen). Since homosexual behavior was not taboo outside of Israel, Paul knew of homosexual behavior early on, something customary outside of Israel, yet admonishes strongly against its acceptance within the early Christian church. Therefore, Paul (who's writings comprise ~1/2 of the New Testament) has to be discredited by scholars who support homosexual marriage in the Christian church. Nevertheless, there are excellent studies which show the reliability and historicity of Paul's letters to the different early Christian churches, in which church organization as well as warnings of false teachings to come was prescribed.

    FURTHER READING: THAT WHICH IS UNNATURAL - Homosexuality, the Church, and Scripture (by Joseph P. Gudel) Caché copy
